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As Fate Would Have It

Stories on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019

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As I reflected on the story, my heart ached for the man who was hobbled by his thought, as I can be by mine. What came to mind is the self-effort required to overcome the idea of unworthiness.

New York, United States

After listening to the story, I understand that a doubting person destroys his happiness, and I am responsible for my own happiness. If I trust the Guru’s grace, practicing her teachings and the virtues she gives us will help me hear the voice of my heart and choose the most beneficial path.

Pune, India

This story about the man who didn’t feel worthy enough to eat the mangoes reminded me that many years ago, I felt a similar lack of self-worth. But by doing the practices and applying Gurumayi's teachings, that  has dissolved. I know now I am worthy of love and respect—so now I would be right in there for the mangoes!

London, United Kingdom