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In this story of Sheik Nasruddin, I feel that the horse represents my mind when I start to feel anxious and get caught up in the emotion. This was a good reminder of what I can learn from this gloriously silly character.
I’ve always loved when Gurumayi has told stories about Nasruddin; as soon as she would say his name, I would laugh aloud, anticipating her own wondrous laugh as she told the story. And I'm smiling now!
New Jersey, United States
The vivid imagery in this story really brought home to me its connection to Gurumayi’s Message for 2019—and to the value of taming my own mind. I could readily see how Nasruddin’s impatience to get on his new horse and his foolish overconfidence about managing the challenges ahead correspond to times in my own life when I let my mind race ahead into doubt, or needless worry, or overhasty decision-making. I also had to laugh at the image of the horse plunging its head into a sack of chickpeas—unrestrained by Nasruddin—since it reminded me so clearly of how I too sometimes plunge ahead, driven forward by the pull of the senses and unrestrained in those moments by the reins of a more reflective mind.
The way Nasruddin literally loses his grip in the end was a powerful reminder of just how precious my years of
sadhana have been—for teaching me the supreme importance of mastering the mind, and giving me the practices with which to advance toward this goal.
Oregon, United States
I feel the horse in this story represents my mind, which needs to be handled with great care and love. I understand that when I do not apply to my mind the virtues of kindness and love, I will end up in unwanted troubles and without reaching my destination.
Chennai, India
I remember Baba Muktananda telling this story and laughing uproariously as he did so. He made us laugh as well. Baba was laughing so hard, at first he couldn’t get the punchline out, and when he finally did, it was in English! This rendering brought back a very sweet memory.
London, United Kingdom