Immersed in the silence of Being,
My Lord speaks to me.
It is in the form of my own breath.
I get lost in His embrace of So Ham, So Ham,
And rest in the knowledge that I will become free forever more.
San Felipe, Mexico
I open my doors to you
I open my doors to you
I open them today
the day I was born
I open them to you
and black sky streams in
black sky, white sky
grey sky
pewter sky
I ask you
where is the blue sky
and it is then
I look up and see
I am the blue sky
you say nothing but
offer a smile
that pops the bubble wrap
insulating my heart
in the heartbeat
I hear a voice:
don't keep a leash
around your love
we need it
New York, USA

Satsang with my Self
I turned within to find good company in myself.
Om Namah Shivayah carried me to the Guru, whose grace revealed that
I am That.
In that moment, I knew that you are
That, too.
When everything merged into
That and became the same Self, what was once a
hope, became a reality.
The stiff edges of my heart melted in a river of goodness.
Unworthiness surrendered to Self-recognition.
Contempt for my enemies faded into self-reflection and compassion.
Jealousy gave way to inspiration, celebration, and goodwill.
Laughter chased away sorrow and grief.
When I became the good company I hoped to find in the world, I found peace in my own house. And when I opened my eyes, the world was glowing with beauty.
Illinois, USA

Golden Moments
in this eighth month of living Gurumayi’s Message
each day holds golden moments—
wake to worship
revel in the vibrant silence of meditation
walk in the wonder of nature
watch the soaring flight of a red kite
or the luminous hover of a dragon fly
remember Bade Baba’s eternal presence
and Baba’s magnificent freedom
feel the dew-drop jewels of gratitude
moisten the Heart
Llwyn-y-Groes, United Kingdom
“Satsang” a poem sublime
The expression of truth
In its deepest connection
Its river of divinity
Quenching the thirst
Of parched hearts
Its aroma of bliss
Kindling sacred memories
Long locked away deep within
Its ancient music
Awakening the soundless sound
Immersed in cathedral solitude
Its tender touch
Arising kundalini
So long in deep sleep
Its flowing love
From heart to heart
Exploding into joy
Its all encompassing oneness
Dissolving differences
Into the light of the Self
Pennsylvania, USA
You exist in Silence.
In Silence I will find You.
In the space of Silence
I come to You,
empty of all that holds me separate.
In Silence I surrender to You,
allowing all that binds me
to float away
and dissolve forever.
In Silence I become You.
No more You.
No more me.
Only Oneness.
in the company of the Truth.
California, USA
Ashadha, the month of rains, when rivers of love
flow down from the crowns of snow-capped mountains
and gather in serene pools, smiling,
to reflect the light from the perfect moon above,
We honor the Guru, eternal principle of Truth,
and our beloved Gurumayi, the embodiment of grace and love.
California, USA
Shining among billions of stars, this fullest of moons
bestows light upon light, translating sun-fire into heart-light,
illumining our night, making it magic.
The Guru, who is sun and moon, day and night, seer and seen,
bestows light upon light and grace upon grace, awakening
our hearts, awakening our minds, making them magic.
Oregon, USA
The Guru’s moonbeams
reveal the cave of the Heart, illumining rubies
that dazzle with pristine love,
radiating the victory of unconditional joy
out into the world.
New York, USA
O Guru-Moon, whose essence is
ambrosia of all life
The most profound good fortune
To sit here, within your sight
And taste the sweetest sounds
To touch the nectar of the Truth
New York, USA
Michigan, USA
A perfect moment of satsang
Ah, this wonderful poem—sent by you!
Silence—coming from you!
Sunshine—your love for me!
A tiny strawberry—your
prasad for me!
A tall pink peony with fragrance—your robe in nature!
A four-leaf clover—a gift from you!
Gentle rain on my hair and cheeks—a sweet stroke from you!
In the east a rainbow so thick and so intensely colored that no artist
can reproduce it—colorful, joyful feelings sent from you directly
into my heart!
In the west sunrays along a cloud—your smile for me!
The tender song of a blackbird—your love-song for me!
My cats stroking along my legs—your sweetness for me!
My house and garden—your protection for me!
My feeling of being lucky—your compassion for me!
O God,
You are everything,
and Your rays are plenty,
but this one ray that is my Guru
is the most beloved ray in my heart.
Hindelang, Germany

As I revisit my inner experiences—
the presence of my Beloved
deep within,
the deep inner guidance,
powerful and sublime,
I am in Satsang,
In the Presence of Truth.
My heart is open.
My heart is full.
Love flows.
Awareness fills my being.
I am in Satsang,
In the Presence of Truth.
The outer world is new,
brilliant with shimmering light,
sweet birdsong fills the air,
one bright yellow dandelion
standing tall in the green grass,
a feeling of stillness and deep peace
I am in Satsang,
In the Presence of Truth.
California, USA

All is You
The huge pink rocks
the tiny round pebble
All is you
The thundering tide
The lapping of the wave
All is you
The sun darting its rays
The thin ray of light through the clouds
All is you
My thoughts that come and go, come and go,
The remembrance of you
All is you
A welcome silence,
An unexplained tear.
All is you
All is you,
Supreme consciousness,
my beloved Guru.
May I be all my life and until the end of time
with the company of the Truth.
Brittany, France
Falling into You
The strings of the heart are leading me to you
Playing a tune from long long ago
The melody is familiar and so very enrapturing
I know not from where it comes
I follow the melodic sound aching to know more
Such deep longing
I let it be my guide
Falling into you
Swimming in the sea of love
So beautiful and so divine
There is no going back
Texas, USA
The Conversation of Being and Nonbeing
I bow to the play
of beauty and decay,
to the game of order
and disorder,
to the dance of love
and leaving –
and then their
sorting out
and relightening.
The more I watch
the simpler it becomes ~
the watcher
the watched is not.
Pranamantra swirls
and swims within.
Ham sa
Ham sa
Ham sa
Oregon, USA
Satsang with a dog on a walk
I encounter a dog on a walk.
So intent, so purposed.
No wandering mind.
Nothing more important
than being present,
smelling the rock,
smelling the tree,
smelling my leg
as he encounters me.
Can l walk
with such purpose,
being so present,
not in the future,
not in the past,
happy in the here and now?
Letting it all be!
There is so much wisdom
in this dog encounter
for me.
Minnesota, USA

Subway Satsang
tight as a teacup
in the hurly-burly, hustle-bustle
underground darkness
of the morning New York subway
there’s still sandman
around the corner of our eyes
and some of us sip coffee listen to music
or think tranquil thoughts
connecting to our own understanding
of the truth
huddled in our puffy winter coats
to the stranger’s eye
we’re moles beneath the surface
but underneath, within
we bear the virtues
of swans, gazelles and lions
we demonstrate
fortitude, patience, perseverance
as we travel from a… to b… to a
commuting from hearth to heart
making the journey for those we love
for me, this is the perfect time
to “See God in Each Other”
the ideal moment
for holding the company of the Truth
New York, USA

Seeking the Company of Silence
I began seeking
The company of Silence
Journeying along pathways of the mind
Only to become
Caught, ensnared, entangled
I remembered my friend, Mantra
Asked for his aid
Together we walked steadily
For a while
Impatient, I rushed ahead
Longing for Silence
Again and again I became trapped
Again and again Mantra assisted me
Mantra invited Breath to join us
Their combined presence
Taught patience
I let go
Allowed Mantra and Breath
To guide me
I became content
With their company
The rhythm of their pace
One day I noticed
A light coming closer
Around a bend was
Luminescent, pulsating
Awestruck I bowed
As I stood I saw
Mantra and Breath
Glowed with the same light
My eyes, until now
Had not seen
More astonishing
I too glimmered
I had been in the company of Silence
From the beginning
Now I keep the company of
Mantra, Breath and Silence
In my awareness
As much as I can
And know, with grace, one day
Will dissolve into Light
Gurudev Siddha Peeth

The vast sea of love!
Serene waters - roaring waves.
Depth, quiet and still.
Aichach, Germany
Satsang is Born in the Heart
Enveloped in Shades of Time
A Delicate Luminosity Slumbers
A Moment of Focus
A Grain of Attention
A Particle of Effort
The Truth Emanates
The Truth Circulates
The Truth Proceeds
Unveiling the Bond
Love Quickens
Satsang Emerges
Utah, USA

Satsang with Spider
At sunrise, studying sacred poetry,
My heart spreads open.
Soon thereafter, my open heart
spies a tiny spider
on the shower wall,
south, then north,
west, then east—
like my mind before meditation—
Seeking safety,
Shelter from the shower’s storm.
Suddenly my heart spreads
wider in surprise:
I love this tiny spider!
Sensing only compassion
for this diminutive denizen of God’s creation,
Scurrying like me to find shelter,
I encircle the two of us
in the Truth of our shared situation
as citizens of God’s space
on this scintillating “blue planet.”
The shower slows,
The spider pauses,
Curls into itself,
Safe at last.
I separate
and wend my way to meditation
Stopping here and there—
south, then north,
west, then east—
along the way.
Settling softly
into the solace of my own breath,
I savor the sweetness of
with the tiny spider.
Ohio, USA

In the company of the Truth
That which is eternal
That which is ephemeral
Will be known
In the company of the Truth
That which is real
That which is unreal
Will be revealed
In the company of the Truth
That which is true
That which is false
Will be discerned
As the sun rose
Casting hues of gold, saffron, amber and ruby
Against the blanket of the velvety silence of early morn
My heart expanded and arose
Dancing in the vibration of renewal, rejoicing and reverence
Awakening from the slumber of the night
To the effulgent light within.
In the company of the truth
The hues of the sun
Connect to the vibrations
Of the heart
In the company of the Truth
Liberation and freedom
Dance joyfully
On the distant horizon
Keeping the company
Of the Truth
Absorbed in the lotus feet
Of my beloved Guru
I become one with all That is
Fitzroy North, Australia

In SATSANG forever
I hear you
I sense you
I want to see you
My hidden friend
Stay with me
And make yourself seen
I promise
To keep company with you
All day long
All of the night
And all of the rest of my life
You make me feel great
Heidelberg, Germany
S imply observe, recognize, and be
A ware of what your heart is
T elling you with the rays of the
S un, and perceive the
A wesome sounds and colors of
N ature giving to your life a
G reater and renewed meaning.
Naucalpan, Mexico

each millisecond is a morning and there is nothing else I need
since you made yourself known as my essence,
everything wears your cloak exactly as itself.
each sun bird cloud smile human tree
dark star puppy puddle of oil enemy
each word spoken out of love fear ignorance
each prayer vibrating beyond the receding hairline of this universe
each thought blowing around this mind like a hairball—
you uttered one word and the silence that dripped down
reinvented this mind—just one drop of silence exposed
each aspect of my life, even my fears, as you.
this mind, which once barked like a terrified dog,
dazzles in your robe; this heart, which once buried its head under the covers,
never stops dancing; my mind will never fully comprehend who you are,
but that doesn’t stop each moment from shimmering in your colors,
welcoming everything that arises, with wonder.
thoughts tremble and shatter before your volcano of joy
and reassemble as laughter.
they are you as they are themselves, and they ripple out forever.
New York, USA

Ahh Satsang!
Om Guru,
In Your presence, my mind goes still.
All thoughts and questions disappear.
From this space of pure being,
My heart sings its song of love.
I’m awash in the nectar of bliss.
What is this I wonder?
What is this sweet intoxication?
From within this sacred space,
The awareness dawns…
Ahhh Satsang!
New York, USA
In the company of the Truth,
I see the brilliance of this universe.
Enveloping me,
Invigorating me,
Within and without.
It is dazzling in its magnificence.
It breathes into my heart.
It moves in nature like the softest melody.
It glides; it flies.
It rests in beauty.
It is the gift that only Truth reveals.
I once fell into the ocean of your eyes
Seeking out the Truth.
The gift was there.
“Can you see the light?”
Can you see the light inside?”
Your words resounded.
“It’s mine.”
I fell into the infinite depths of your gaze and found
My Self.
It is mine.
I am still swimming there.
California, USA

Green Life
The birds are singing
in the outer darkness
as I sit seeking
the inner silence.
In their song
I hear the trees
and the earth.
I’ve been here before
on the edge of springtime,
that scent of incipience
stirring the longing
to go deep underground
where my roots are nourished
and rising, no matter what the weather,
boundless, one with the sky,
unfurling a green life
offered to the sun.
Kansas, USA
Wrapped in a blanket of love,
And held in the heart of your hand,
Suddenly while living my life
This ordinary world
is infused with divine light~
Awake, aware and knowing
We are one.
Massachusetts, USA
Conversation with Baba
the Siddha sitting next to my
computer looks up
smiles, a book in his hand
soft white cotton drapes
strong shoulders
captured sunlight from a
window to his right
illuminates forehead, cheekbone,
chin, that steady smile,
his head tilts gently my way
outside, the snowy blowing
keeps me off the roads
sits me here beside him
noticing the moment
safe, calm, now
Michigan, USA
I whisper your name
I whisper your name
and like that sun barely risen above the sea
there is an emerging sense of trust
of tenderness
of truth.
This sunlit warmth when your name touches my heart
these tidal waters when my being streams toward your name
As I find my self in you
I find you in myself
Vancouver, Canada
Thought Flowers
Thought flowers,
word flowers
take me to
my heart flowers.
I rest in the sublime silence,
the company of the Truth,
the Satsang of the Self.
Woollamia, Australia
Satsang in Nature
I love spring
The golden light of Sun is embracing Earth
Mother Nature is in her full ecstasy
Flowers are blossoming wherever eyes go
Cold breeze is playing with small new leaflets
Every particle is dancing and enchanting God’s glory.
Noida, India
a whispering
of eternity
California, USA
Satsang in Action
The ground was a garden,
The skies were white gates to heaven.
The trees- ecstatic dancers;
In tune with the melodies of the soft winds,
And people; the embodiments of molten love-
Her eyes were made of stars,
Her mind married to the sun,
And She lived with her lover; the moon,
Within the abode of Her own kingdom- Her golden heart.
Yangon, Myanmar
I’m So Happy...!
You said:
And kindled
The light of my awareness
In a unique way.
Two divine syllables
Overflowing with Your wonder-ful
‘Drumming’ in my heart
Sat, sat, sat, sat...
Who could reach its divine echoes?
Never alone
Always in Your company
Never ending enthusiasm
Surviving to all, to everything, to everybody
I’m so happy...!
I feel so good...!
Madrid, Spain

My heart was fluttering this morning
There’s a change in my life coming up
And I am nervous about it
So much to do to get ready
So many goodbyes.
I said to my heart
Come on now
You know you want this more than anything
Get yourself together.
And The Voice came
That’s not
So I asked
SATSANG what it was
And the voice inside that came said
Sweetheart, of course you’re nervous
There is a lot to do
But you did it before
So you can do it again
One step at a time, dear one
One step at a time.
My shoulders opened
My chest relaxed
And I exhaled slowly and completely
I felt loved
I felt heard
I felt stronger
And so I am.
I had
Heard is very close to Heart.
Thank you, Gurumayi.
Pennsylvania, USA

Satsang is not the honeyed speech of manipulation
That arrests the development of anything real
Afterwards you feel an emptiness in your heart
The traces of a missed opportunity, a rent in the fabric.
The object of
Satsang is revelation
Of the truth of your connection to each other
Not dominance or winning some competition
But unity, clarity and joy.
Heart to heart
Eyes to loving eyes.
Scintillation happens
From the first moment
Your hearts are smiling
Just looking at each other
Relishing just seeing each other before speech begins
And you find
You don’t really need any speech at all
You already have everything there in each other
Heart to heart
Eyes to loving eyes.
Pennsylvania, USA