During the Shaktipat Intensive in October, I was meditating with loving trust when I was drawn into a burst of scintillating, pale-blue light and then into the depths of an expanding, very dark-blue disc of Consciousness and peace. As I emerged from this, I felt as if I’d been drawn into the center of Gurumayi’s Message Artwork, and I thought, "Ooh, is
that what it is?!"
After a friend, also participating in the Intensive, shared his meditation vision of a longstanding “oppression” falling away like a leaf, in my next meditation I saw this leaf dissolving in “my” blue pool of Consciousness. My friend was moved and comforted by this and shared, "It’s great to see how a creative insight by one person can trigger a further insight and enrichment in another. It tells me that the insights are not really ‘mine’ or ‘yours’—they come from somewhere deeper, from the shared space of the Self. What a wonderful thing it is to be doing
sadhana together!"
Eastbourne, United Kingdom

All year, I made a dedicated practice of consciously repeating the S
o'ham mantra with the incoming and outgoing breath, while putting the first two lines of Gurumayi's Message into practice. This dramatically bore fruit when wildfire threatened my county. After fleeing the smoke, I evacuated and stayed in my car in a beach parking lot for 3 days and nights. One night, 90-mile-an-hour winds were predicted. There was uncertainty about how far the fire would spread and how long it would be before people could go home again.
My practice of the Message was what kept me going and kept me positive. The night of the highest winds, all the thousands of stars could be seen over the ocean. The whooshing and howling of the wind were all-enveloping, the waves were crashing and booming, and one could imagine the huge fire expanding. As I made the effort to calm myself in the face of all this powerful movement of nature around me by practicing the Message, I experienced it all merging into one cosmic, immeasurable power, but it no longer felt threatening. I found myself in a state of absolute comfort, love, and union, feeling that the infinitely vast night sky and all the power moving in the water and over the earth were one supremely loving reality, and I was one with it.
California, United States

When I first heard Gurumayi's Message for 2019, I thought: what can I do to experience the Message? I pondered it, and I registered for the Meditation Sessions and the Workbook.
Then, a few months ago, as I was reading a book by Baba Muktananda, after a sentence or two, I suddenly felt tremendous, exquisite bliss. I was engulfed in it. I could barely move. I realized I was experiencing the true nature of the mind, which is bliss. Sometime later, in the simple act of eating a bowl of rice, I saw a dazzling blue light in the rice grains, and I realized this was the light of the inner Self.
Contemplating these experiences, I saw clearly that I had received them when my thoughts were still, my mind quiet.
California, United States

Gurumayi’s Message for 2019 has been teaching me how to lead my mind to the abode of peace, joy, and liberation. The offerings on the Siddha Yoga path website have been profound, and the chants uplifting and energizing .
I feel that Gurumayi wishes for us all to have peace of mind, and that she has showered us with grace to make it so. Even amid chaos, loss, and change, peace of mind is at hand. All I need is to practice her teaching.
What a priceless and rare treasure!
New York, United States
The power of the Message
dissolved my mind in the light.
The boundless love of a dawn-tinted rose,
tenderly offered, made my heart burst open.
One year is over, one year
to let evaporate the vapors of the past,
to realize and accept
that it is me who has the choice,
the choice to bring my mind to its true nature.
This choice is my freedom.
It attracts my Guru’s grace
and leads me towards liberation.
Blanquefort, France

Using the Workbook was a tremendous support for me this year in my study and practice of Gurumayi’s Message. My enthusiasm and curiosity grew each week as I studied the Message with the amazing guidance from the Workbook. Through this practice, I felt that I connected to the path and was able to experience the true nature of the mind again and again
Together with the Meditation Sessions and support for
mantra japa, the series of beautifully rendered “Stories on Gurumayi’s Message 2019” have also helped me to gain a clearer understanding of the Message and to make the effort to attune my mind to its true nature by witnessing it.
Because of all this enthralling multimedia guidance and support, I am witnessing a shift in the pattern of my thoughts and am experiencing upliftment in every aspect of my life. I am feeling very happy that I am following the path in the right spirit.
Chitradurga, India

Studying Gurumayi’s Message this year has been a tremendous blessing for me. I was fortunate to participate in
Sweet Surprise 2019 several times, to join the monthly Meditation Sessions, and to visit the Siddha Yoga path website on a regular basis.
The way I have responded to several challenges has made me realize that I am experiencing much more trust. Because of this, I feel less stress and I feel that I have the mental clarity to do the right thing when circumstances call upon me. And hearing Gurumayi talk about the importance of numbers encouraged me to better manage my finances. I now feel more “on top of things,” and have an easier time making decisions.
My study of the Message has given me a deeper knowing that “everything does happen for the best.”
Willemstad, Curacao

Through studying Gurumayi’s Message this year, my life got so bright—like a sunrise, even and steady, smooth and gentle. While the outer circumstances in my life remained almost the same, my attitude towards myself, the people I am with, my work, and my surroundings became sunny.
Every week, Gurumayi’s questions from the workbook took me, as though with a mother’s hand, away from negativity towards positivity and light. I have been astonished by the insights arising within me, and by the discovery of suppressed feelings within my body that were revealed to me. I am amazed at the way my daily exercises with the mantra and the Message have changed my posture so I feel I am standing and walking more upright and with both feet more firmly on the ground.
My heart is overflowing with gratitude and love and with yearning to dedicate my actions to God.
Duisburg, Germany

I have participated in all the monthly Meditation Sessions at our local Siddha Yoga Meditation Center this year. Each session was suffused with the power of Gurumayi’s teaching and the personal experiences of the teachers.
In each session, I felt my mind settle deeper into my heart. I experienced joy and serenity, and connected to the bliss at the core of my existence.
After each session we held small group discussions, which further enhanced my understanding and helped me apply the teachings in my daily meditation practice.
I am grateful for these Meditation Sessions, which provided such powerful tools to study and assimilate Gurumayi’s Message throughout the year.
Udaipur, India

Throughout this year I have been practicing Gurumayi's Message in so many ways, including participating in Sweet Surprise, the Meditation Sessions, the Workbook, and the website offerings, and engaging in the other Siddha Yoga practices. Practicing the Message has helped me overcome patterns of contraction that I had been stuck in for ages. I am becoming freer and lighter!
New York, United States
As I practiced the Message by focusing on the
So'ham mantra, I was amazed at how deeply I resonated with this ancient sound vibration. It was like I had found my heart's friend. It felt so natural and personal. Whenever I found myself disturbed or feeling fear, when I placed my attention on these feelings, I was aware of my breath spontaneously inhaling to
Ham and exhaling to s
a, and the negative feelings would dissolve, leaving me in a state of peace. Other times, during meditations,
So'ham naturally arose and my mind willingly focused on the breath and the sound.
California, United States

For me the structured approach of the Workbook is an excellent way to engage with Gurumayi’s Message. I found that by going through the activities of the Workbook, I was diving more deeply into the workings of my own mind. I have tried to implement these discoveries in my everyday life.
One day, as I was contemplating Gurumayi’s question for the week in the Workbook, it occurred to me that
luminescence could mean not only the vision or experience of light, but it could also represent the understanding or knowledge revealed to us by contemplating and practicing the teachings. This insight has given me a deeper understanding which has continued to unfold as I have engaged with the study of Gurumayi's Message.
London, United Kingdom

Participating in Sweet Surprise on New Year’s Day was an incredible experience for me. I felt such exuberance and joy and sensed that I could experience a great leap in my
sadhana. Each time I participated in Sweet Surprise, I explored new dimensions of the Message. As I practiced the Message, I connected to a space of scintillating stillness within.
Throughout the year, when my mind became overactive or had unpleasant thoughts, I practiced the first line of Gurumayi’s Message, and this helped me to regain tranquility.
Studying the Workbook has been a joyful journey for me. When I studied, I experienced the light of my mind and inner stillness, and I was filled with love and gratitude to Gurumayi. Through the study of the Workbook, I was able to maintain equipoise in both favorable and unfavorable situations.
Gandhinagar, India

This year I resolved to meditate every morning, and I did!
Sometimes meditation comes easily, and I vibrate with the energy of the mantra. Other times I am just watching endless streams of thoughts and return to the mantra when I realize I have lost the thread.
What has encouraged me most to keep going with my practice—no matter the experience in meditation—is that later in the day, at work, or driving, or even in a meeting, every now and again I am pulled inward into the space of stillness and silence, where
So’ham is repeating itself spontaneously on my breath.
When it happens, I feel grace, peace, and a sense of purity permeating my being.
This year has brought great transformation in my life. I am grateful for the support, inspiration, and guidance I find on the Siddha Yoga path website every day, in so many different forms.
Cherbourg, France

Focusing on the words of the Message, I let my mind be drawn into my inner being. As I did this practice every day, it became a natural activity.
I could feel my mind becoming lighter and lighter, as though emptying itself of thoughts and clutter, and creating new space for the divine light to filter in.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for guiding me to experience this beautiful state.
Nairobi, Kenya
Throughout the year, whenever my mind would be swirling in the hustle-bustle of my daily life, I would pause, close my eyes, repeat the mantra
Om Namah Shivaya, and visualize the light within.
Instantly, I would be drawn into a gentle, calming, blissful space.
It has been a wonderful year, with teachings I will forever carry in my heart and always put into practice.
St. Laurent, Canada
The Meditation Sessions this year have been so inspiring. I've participated often during each month, journaled, and taken the teachings to heart. I come to the end of the year looking forward to conducting my own review of all the sessions. I am so grateful for a better understanding and experience of the grace of the mind.
Geelong, Australia

My focus this year has been on maintaining positivity—a state of contentment, joy, and serenity. One of the ways I apply this focus is by recognizing when I am not maintaining a positive outlook, and then taking steps to change whatever thought pattern is disrupting my natural feeling of happiness.
For example, in meditation, when my mind wanders into thoughts that are not beneficial, I come back to the
So’ham mantra to recapture a peaceful state. During the day, when I notice that I’ve lost a contented feeling, I reflect to find the source of my unrest. I take a moment to go inward, and find that the source of the mental discomfort will quickly make itself known. Then I apply an appropriate solution—perhaps a plan to apologize to someone, or to let someone know that I’m not comfortable with how we ended a conversation.
I am so very grateful for these simple and powerful tools for keeping myself in a state of joy!
North Carolina, United States

I can’t stop reading “Stories on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019,” which are so eloquently rendered by Eesha Sardesai. Each story very beautifully illustrates some of the intricacies of the mind that Shri Gurumayi speaks of in her Message.
Once a month at the local Siddha Yoga meditation center, the
satsang focuses on one of these stories. Everyone listens to the story attentively, and then we share our experiences in small groups to help us study and implement Gurumayi’s Message in our daily lives. We are thrilled to realize how much we have learned about the mind through these stories!
Udaipur, India

My understanding of Gurumayi's Message deepened when I started translating and repeating it in my mother tongue. Because I no longer speak my mother tongue very frequently, it was awkward at first to find the right words. Then, as I kept repeating the Message in my meditation, more and more parts of the translation came to me. I understood the Message at a deeper level, and relished the nuances of each word.
The most startling insight came when I repeated the last sentence of the Message. I thought I knew the meaning of the word
enjoy. Yet when I translated it into my mother tongue, I had the kinesthetic experience of joy in my body! This wasn't a mental grasping of the concept—this was the felt experience of bubbles of joy percolating through my body, the same way I’d experienced joy as a child, speaking my mother tongue.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for helping me to reconnect to my roots.
Nelson, Canada

One night, when I was unable to sleep, the following prayer/song came to me while repeating Gurumayi's Message:
My life is a garland of miracles, strung on the light of God’s pure love.
With a heart overflowing with gratitude, humbly I bow, I bow, I bow.
Utah, United States
Last night as I drove home from work, my mind was replaying scenes from the day. Then I remembered my practice of repeating the
So’ham mantra on my drives home from work in order to implement the first line of Gurumayi's Message. So I turned my attention back to
japa is sometimes a struggle for me, for the first time this year I was magnetically drawn to my heart, where I felt the mantra vibrating. There was a divine, tender, sweet, radiant glow. Then I remembered the last line of Gurumayi's Message, and I realized this was what was happening to me!
I revelled in this experience, which gave me great joy.
Thornbury, Australia
In reflecting on my study of Gurumayi’s Message for 2019, I see that I have definitely had many more experiences of going to a deeper level—a level beyond the mind—and of nestling in the heart in meditation. These experiences have deepened my understanding that such a dimension indeed exists.
Iowa, United States
Gurumayi’s Message and
Sweet Surprise 2019 were so incredibly rich with imagery and meaning! As always, Gurumayi's Message keeps revealing itself on deeper and deeper levels. I may never understand all of the meanings, but I can see a change being wrought in myself. I turn off the TV and tune into the Siddha Yoga path website, and read, and chant, and meditate. A refrain keeps repeating in my head, about not wasting my life on sense pleasures, but seeking out that which is
real, that which lasts. This is where I really want to be.
Hawaii, United States

As I contemplate Gurumayi’s Message for 2019 near the end of this year, I realize that the mantra
So’ham itself reflects the intention of each line of that Message.
The effort I have made to focus my mind on
So’ham during my activities this year, together with the support I received from the poetry of the saints and the scriptural texts, have given me courage, determination, patience, and happiness. As I polish my mind with
So’ham, the light of the Self is revealed in my heart and I enjoy my life.
Rodez, France

From the glorious beginning of this year I have felt Gurumayi's grace in my life. Often when I meditate, I envision a beautiful white swan floating past in a lake, somehow without disturbing the surface and seemingly without effort. Watching this swan, I drift into an even deeper meditation.
The mantra
Hamsa has guided my breath and led me to an awareness of the Self. My sense of gratitude has grown and deepened. The
Krishna Gayatri mantra and the
Mahalakshmyashtakam Stotram have been strong guides for me. I realize that all is
sat-chit-ananda and that God, the Guru, is the substance of all.
I am very grateful to Gurumayi for all I have learned from her Message for 2019, and from
Sweet Surprise 2019, the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message, and the Meditation Sessions.
Oregon, United States

Sweet Surprise ended, I was pulled into a deep meditation. I fell into a profound state of peace—as if I were in a velvety cave of silence at the heart of my being. Out of the silence, phrases from Gurumayi’s talk resounded within me as if they’d been impressed upon my soul. I knew these were important teachings for my
sadhana and my life.
Then the mantra Gurumayi gave us arose from the silence and began repeating itself in waves, which carried me to a vision of Gurumayi. We merged and the center of my
sahasrara began to vibrate with the humming sound of bees. Everything then exploded into a brilliant, sparkling, all-pervasive, and ecstatic white light, which dissolved into an ocean of shimmering blue light. I experienced complete identity with That, the formless, free bliss of consciousness.
I knew this
prasad was an experience of Gurumayi’s Message and a glorious blessing. I offer
pranam to Gurumayi again and again for this experience, her Message for 2019, and her continual ocean of grace.
Illinois, United States

The cumulative effect of studying the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message has been a gift with benefits across all aspects of my life.
During moments when I find myself thinking thoughts that do not serve me, I return to the mantra, breath, and mind, using that same mind to dissolve the thoughts and reunite with love and inner peace.
Each week I have been captivated and inspired by the variety of ways to relate to the topic at hand. Whether through physical, creative, or imaginative exercises, I have become increasingly aware of being with my own mind, and cultivating a relationship with my Self.
I am deeply grateful to Gurumayi, whose support and perspective infuse me with grace.
Washington, United States

For me,
Sweet Surprise 2019 was a shower of grace.
As I sat waiting in the Universal Hall, I tasted the sweet nectar of my own heart saturating my being. This sublime feeling remained with me throughout the entire
Sweet Surprise. I noticed that as Gurumayi was speaking, I was steeped in both wonder and delight. When there was silence, I would find my heart dancing in glory and bliss. When Gurumayi shared her Message, I saw inwardly a shining light in my mind. It was a golden, scintillating shimmer, and my entire body reverberated in this divine light.
Since January 1, I have made it a priority to practice Gurumayi’s Message every day, and I have noticed an increase in exalted states, as well as more transformation in my life.
California, United States

This morning I sat for meditation, as I do every morning. I had been feeling disturbed by a bad dream. I meditated with the
Krishna Gayatri mantra and followed Gurumayi's guidance in her Message for 2019. Gradually I began hearing my mind saying to me: "Don't worry. I am there with you." The disturbance dissolved, and I felt fearless.
Mumbai, India

The Workbook has been invaluable for me. As I engaged with the amazing activities, I have been able to connect my body, mind, and spirit by creating loving and kind thoughts and actions. I now realize more than ever that my mind is not a separate entity; it is part of my whole being. I realize that it is up to me to observe my thoughts and reset when those thoughts work against me. These processes have really changed my life as I am no longer so quick to dwell in negativity, self-judgement, and fear. And, should those thoughts creep in, I am so much more aware of them and of the effect they have on my entire being. I am so grateful for this incredible gift; I am truly blessed.
Pennsylvania, United States

I loved and treasured the lessons in the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019. Their multimodal process helped me unfold my understanding through a gentle and creative examination of language, movement, and conceptual contemplation.
Throughout each lesson, my devotion and curiosity were met with Gurumayi's tender love. In each lesson, I experienced a profound connection to the inner Guru, and breathtaking, ecstatic revelations of the Self. All was woven together with practical applications for living in that Self-awareness. Each step of the way, I learned how to be more gentle with myself, enjoying
sadhana as a river of love guiding me on a divine journey.
This year’s extended practice of Gurumayi’s Message felt like an absolute flood of grace— showering me with light, love, bliss, insight, and down-to-earth techniques each time I participated. My heart swells in gratitude for Gurumayi’s infinite generosity, sweet love, and compassionate grace.
Illinois, United States

This year, the Multiple Participation Package has allowed me to participate in
Sweet Surprise 2019 again and again. Each time I have participated, a new teaching from the Message would stand out for me, like an overlooked gem suddenly illuminated by moonbeams—ever expanding my opportunities to benefit from this rich treasure of the Guru's teachings.
As my year of studying Gurumayi's Message has progressed through these repeated participations, I have found myself becoming increasingly aware of the serene, benevolent presence of Consciousness. That awareness puts the ups and downs in this world into a peaceful perspective and keeps me steady and content, regardless of what is going on around me.
I am so grateful to have had these opportunities.
Maryland, United States

I have been playing the
Krishna Gayatri mantra in the morning as our family gets ready for work or school, or simply prepares for another day full of action. The sweet melody centers me. I feel at peace, and I begin my day with a sense of surrender as to how the day will unfold. I love these peaceful beginnings to the day. I think of them as a gift of the divine music— like the
Krishna Gayatri mantra— that I receive via the Siddha Yoga path.
Mumbai, India
In gratitude for the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019, I want to express my deepest golden thoughts in acknowledgment of this gift. At the end of my workbook study, there is recognition: my mind and my heart are one. I see how the steadfast creativity and selfless dedication contributed by the writers of this workbook have fully guided me throughout the year to reach this recognition. It has been such a gift!
Montreal, Canada
As I repeated
Hamsa and entered meditation, the words "I am" appeared before me. The words seemed to spread out into the universe, carrying blessings. My inner being danced with the recognition that I am essentially
Shakti herself.
Recalling this experience fills me with happiness and gratitude. I felt I experienced the cumulative power of my study of Gurumayi’s Message for this year.
Maryland, United States

Studying with the workbook and reflecting on the weekly questions and exercises has deepened my understanding of Gurumayi’s Message for 2019. I am more able to find contentment and greater meaning in what I do, to find techniques to refine what I do, and to have a serene mind.
My meditation practice has also changed significantly as a result. I meditate for longer periods of time, and I am better able to focus my mind on the breath and the mantra
hamsa while resting in a state of expanded awareness.
I am most grateful to Gurumayi for making available this study tool that enables me to experience the richness of the Siddha Yoga teachings.
Nottingham, United Kingdom

When I chant the
Krishna Gayatri mantra, I feel the vibrations of each syllable vibrating in the different chakras, from the
muladhara to the
sahasrara. This mantra leads me into deep meditation in the
sahasrara. I experience my Self and it gives me great love, great respect, and great confidence for my own Self, my
sadhana, and my Guru.
With this gift, Gurumayi has given us a great and precious tool to sustain our
sadhana. I feel very blessed.
Magalas, France