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The State of Harmony

Niścintatā is a Hindi word referring to the state of being in harmony with oneself and one’s surroundings. Gurumayi requested that this gallery of black-and-white photos be created for the Siddha Yoga path website because these images evoke timelessness. Gurumayi gave the word niścintatā as the title for this gallery.

Gurumayi shared the story that when she was a child in India and she would ask elderly people how they were doing, they would often reply, with a very sweet smile, a gentle tilt of their head, and a lift of their hand, “Maĩ niścint hū̃. I am free from worry.” Gurumayi remembers this with great affection. It made a deep impression on her.

Gurumayi’s teachings are about just this: it is within every seeker’s ability to become free from worries—it is possible to experience the absence of mental agitation. This gallery is an invitation from Gurumayi to get in touch with niścintatā, the state of being in harmony.


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Before coming to the Niscintata gallery on the Siddha Yoga path website, I was really stressed about my grade for my precalculus class and about homework and all the other things I had to do—so it’s like this came at the perfect time! I see that being free from worry is a choice that I can make. Instead of being worried, I can put action toward achieving a good grade.

a seventeen-year-old from California, United States

I experience such peace each day when I view these images in shades of black, white, and grey. Without the flourish of color, the deep, silent peace of the Self comes through and lets me know of its everlasting presence.

California, United States