Meditation Sessions 2018 via Live Audio Stream
This series of seven Siddha Yoga meditation sessions were live audio streamed via the Siddha Yoga path website, and are now available via webcast in English and with voice-over translation in French, Hindi, and Spanish. The meditation sessions are led by Siddha Yoga meditation teachers.
To participate in Meditation Sessions I—VII, click on the links below.
Session I: Pranayama: Unveiling the Power of the Breath
Taught by Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher Gita Sen
In this session, participants will practice a pranayama similar to the one introduced in A Sweet Surprise Satsang, and will explore how this breathing technique helps put the mind to rest in the tranquility and peace of the Self. This practice will help participants recognize how pranayama supports their study of Gurumayi's Message for 2018—Satsang—by connecting them with their own inner Truth.

Session II: The Golden Sun Within
Taught by Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher Aldo Colella
In this session, participants will enter meditation by practicing a dharana, a centering technique, which will guide the mind’s focus to the divine Truth in the form of a golden sun, blazing at the center of their being.

Session III: Rest Your Mind in the Serenity of Nature
Taught by Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher Theresa Perez
In this session, participants will be guided to recognize their inherent serenity through a dharana on nature.

Session IV: Let the Mantra Fill Your Being
Taught by Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher Patrick Ramacciotti
In this session, participants enter meditation by repeating the mantra Om Namah Shivaya with the awareness that the mantra resounds within. This practice will strengthen the participants' relationship with the mantra as a means of experiencing satsang.

Session V: Delight in the Nectar of the Truth
Taught by Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher Reshma Burkhard
In this session, participants will explore satyarasa, the ambrosia of the Truth, by means of a dharana, visualizing this yogic nectar flowing from the sahasrara.

Session VI: In All Things, One Truth
Taught by Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher Mehul Joshi
In this session, students will explore the all-pervasive Truth existing in everything sentient and insentient. They will do this through a dharana, visualizing the golden light of the Truth permeating all that exists.

Session VII: The Center of Peace Within
Taught by Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher Shakti Butler
In this session, the conclusion of this meditation series, participants engage in satsang by recognizing their own innate ability to embody peace and invoke blessings for the benefit of all. Through a dharana on the Heart, participants will discover how this is possible.