March 10, 2018
Dear seekers,
I'm delighted to announce the beginning of a new series of Siddha Yoga Meditation Sessions via Live Audio Stream for 2018.
Over the last three years, experienced Siddha Yogis and new seekers have found in these sessions a powerful tool to enrich and energize their practice of meditation in the company of a worldwide community of fellow meditators.
The seven sessions of this year's series will extend from late March through September, and each will give you a new way to explore Gurumayi's Message for 2018—Satsang—in your practice of meditation.
In her Message talk, Gurumayi invited us to create our own satsang, cultivating our connection with the divine Truth within our own being. In this year's meditation sessions, you will learn various means to prepare for meditation and to guide your mind's focus—strengthening your ability to make your practice of meditation a form of satsang.
As in previous years, you can experience the full benefit of these sessions either by joining other Siddha Yogis around the world via Live Audio Stream or by participating in your own time via webcast. Also, you can choose to participate with other students at a Siddha Yoga Ashram or meditation center or by yourself, on your computer or mobile device.
If you register online, you will be able to participate in the sessions as often as you like for one year after the date you register.
This year's series has a new feature that will make it even easier to return to these sessions as a support for your meditation practice. In addition to being able to play the whole webcast, you will now be able to select any of the chapters within it—for instance, the instructions for stretching, pranayama, or meditation. Either of these approaches will enrich your meditation practice.
The first session, to be live streamed on Saturday, March 24, will be entitled
Pranayama: Unveiling the Power of the Breath
In this opening session, you will practice a pranayama similar to the one introduced in A Sweet Surprise Satsang, finding how this breathing exercise quiets your mind, connects you with the life-giving energy of your breath, and supports you to enter the inner realm of meditation.
For more information on how to participate online or at a Siddha Yoga Ashram or meditation center, click here.
I wish you a year of joyous and fruitful meditations, steeped in the sweetness of your own divine company.

Pedro Sá Moraes
Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher