Sunday, November 29, 2020
Dear readers,
In two days we will be stepping into the month of December, which is replete with holidays of all traditions, many of which celebrate light. On the Siddha Yoga path, we worship the inner light that is awakened in the disciple by the light of Shri Guru.
This year, 2020, every holiday, every celebration, every family gathering has been out of the ordinary. Everyone has had to come up with creative ways to honor the spirit of the various holidays and get-togethers. This reminds us of how plants and animals are constantly adapting to changes in their environment. We’re seeing how people too have the capacity to adapt to new and unforeseen circumstances.
One thing, however, that we can be assured remains the same is the power of the Siddha Yoga practices. The Self is the unchanging principle. For this reason, we return again and again to the Siddha Yoga practices; we know that they work, we know that they will lead us to the inner light, and so we hold on to them.
On this note of light, we want to extend an invitation to you to participate in six satsangs that will be held via live video stream in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. The title that Gurumayi Chidvilasananda has given for this series of satsangs is:
Engaging in Shānta-rasa
The first satsang will take place this coming Wednesday, December 2 at 9:30 a.m. EST (New York time). The title is The Power of Breathing.
To support you in planning your schedule during this busy month, please see the full list of dates and times for the satsangs, which is available on the Siddha Yoga path website.
Best wishes,
Kesari Ames, Carlos del Cueto and Aria Paxton Directors’ Team for the Live Video Streams SYDA Foundation