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SYDA Foundation
Community Service Award

The SYDA Foundation Community Service Award is presented annually to citizens of Sullivan County, New York, where Shree Muktananda Ashram and the offices of the SYDA Foundation are located.

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda is the inspiration behind the Community Service Award. Gurumayi initiated the SYDA Foundation Community Service Award to recognize and celebrate Sullivan County citizens who offer exceptional service for the benefit of others in the community.

SYDA Foundation Representative presents a certificate of merit to Jack and Doris Costello

SYDA Foundation Representative presents a certificate of merit to Jack and Doris Costello, 2019 Community Service Award recipients.

Since 1986, the SYDA Foundation Board of Trustees has presented this annual award to outstanding citizens, who are selected by a committee of former Committee Service Award recipients and Sullivan County leaders from business, government, and civic service organizations.

The SYDA Foundation also contributes to the Sullivan County community by donating annually to the local police and fire departments, the school district, and the regional hospital.

To learn about the most recent and past award recipients, click here.